midjourney提示词分享 22个效果超好的人像提示词



人像摄影 (Portrait Photography) 是捕捉个人或群体个性和情绪的摄影形式。在Midjourney中,仅使用"portrait"、"portraiture"、"face"或"expression"等词汇,可能不足以生成人像摄影作品,因为这些词汇也可能与肖像画相关。为了确保生成的是人像摄影作品,可以使用"portrait photography"这样的专业术语。此外,添加与摄影有关的词汇,如特定的相机型号、"camera"或"shot"等,可以暗示图像是由相机拍摄的,从而提高生成人像摄影作品的可能性。



提示词:垫图+A beautiful Chinese woman, dressed in a flowing red Warring States period robe, solid colored Hanfu, brick red Hanfu, cotton and linen material, wide sleeves, belt and cuffs embroidered with some patterns, turned around and looked back, the hem of the skirt fluttered, simple ancient Chinese traditional hairstyle, clean background, blurred background, natural lighting, cinematic texture, soft lighting, captured by Canon cameras,8K –ar3:4




a photorealistic image of an adorable3-month-old Chinese baby with chubby cheeks and big eyes, wearing a Avocado green knitted sweater, sitting inside a giant cracked eggshell covered with moss, in a spring forest with soft natural light. The baby's hands are resting on his chest and he is looking at the camera with a sweet expression. Blurred background, shallow depth of field, –ar3:4–v6.0–s750–style raw



提示词:垫图+ A beautiful Chinese girl, sweet smile, white skin, bright big eyes, delicate makeup, pink powder blusher and eye shadow, dark brown hair combed into two lovely ball heads, wearing a white strapless dress, white lace gloves, pink ribbon bow tied around her neck, soft purple background, studio lighting,85mm lens, close-up lens –ar3:4


一位美丽的中国女孩,甜美的微笑,白皙的皮肤,明亮的大眼睛,精致的妆容,粉色腮红和眼影,深棕色头发梳成两个可爱的丸子头,穿着白色的抹胸连衣裙,戴着白色的蕾丝手套,脖子上系着粉色的缎带蝴蝶结,柔和的紫色背景,摄影棚灯光,85mm 镜头,特写镜头




金额:6.99元好的内容,值得赞赏!打赏后不支持退款! 联系客服 扫描下方二维码关注公众号“站长资讯”,及时联系客服解决。请把【打赏记录详情】截图给客服,同时把您打赏的文章【网址】发给客服。客服会在24小时内把完整文章内容发送给您。(客服在线时间为周一至周五9:00-11:30 14:00-17:30)

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